Why goat milk kefir instead of yogurt?

Why goat milk kefir instead of yogurt

People have discovered the various health advantages of probiotic-rich food, and the yogurt section in grocery stores has exploded in recent years. Other dairy products, on the other hand, are experiencing a renaissance.

Kefir and yogurt were once rare goods found chiefly in health food stores. Even the most mainstream grocery stores now carry these drinkable yogurts with a terrific taste, a slew of health advantages, and a wide range of cooking possibilities.

Many people, though, prefer Kefir over yogurt, and there's a reason for it. Let's have a look at why goat milk kefir should be preferred over yogurt.  

Is there a difference between Kefir and yogurt?

Even though they are both made from milk, the fermentation process in each beverage is distinct. Kefir is fermented with live cultures, including yeast, while yogurt is fermented with a different lactic acid bacteria.

As a result, Kefir can include up to 36 different microbe strains that can help to rebuild your gut flora. As a result of fermentation, yogurt contains bacteria strains, but not nearly as many as Kefir. Naturally, the exact quantity of strains varies depending on the fermentation method. 

Nutritional Differences Between Kefir and yogurt

Because both Kefir and Yogurt are made from milk, they are nutritionally equivalent. This means that both Kefir and yogurt deliver all of the natural goat milk kefir benefits.

Calcium, Cobalamin, and Magnesium are all abundant in Kefir and yogurt. The calcium content in 100 grams provides roughly 12% of your daily calcium needs. This is the same amount of calcium that is contained in milk.

However, unlike yogurt, the fermentation process in Kefir enhances B-Vitamins even more. You'll receive a genuinely excellent B-Vitamin cocktail if you perform a second fermentation with your batch of Kefir, especially if you do a second fermentation with your batch of Kefir.

Kefir, as previously stated, has a considerably higher number of bacteria strains than yogurt. This is since Kefir and yogurt employ distinct starter cultures. The number of bacteria in each beverage is also affected by fermentation time and external factors like temperature and humidity. 

Kefir vs. yogurt

While Kefir and yogurt differ in terms of how they're made and how much bacteria they contain, they both provide a lot of the same health benefits.

While both improve digestive health, contain high levels of calcium and minerals, and aid with sleep, Kefir has several advantages over yogurt. You should know about goat milk kefir nutrition. They are as follows:

Increased B-Vitamins: As previously stated, the longer fermentation time and, in particular, the maturing of Kefir after fermentation might increase the amount of B-Vitamin in Kefir. As a result, most organic kefirs have significantly more Vitamin B-6 and B-12 than yogurt.

Kefir grains are complex microorganisms made up of millions of bacteria and several dozen different bacteria strains. The lactose is broken down by living bacteria, which remain in the Kefir after fermentation. yogurt often includes fewer strains than Kefir and, as a result, is less good at improving digestive health.

Less Sugar: Kefir has less sugar in the form of added sugar and lactose, which is a natural sugar. Lactose is virtually absent in well-aged Kefir, but yogurt has a substantially higher lactose level.

On the whole!

Both Kefir and yogurt are milk-based fermented drinks that are wonderful. They do, however, differ significantly in terms of the fermentation process and the end outcome. Kefir, on the whole, provides us with more health benefits.