Lactose intolerance- Why lactose intolerant people should try goat milk?

A study conducted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) revealed that 65 percent of the U.S population experiences a certain level of lactose intolerance, which is about 2 out of 3 people. The study further reported the affinity towards being lactose intolerant was found more among people with East Asian family line, where nine out of ten suffered from the condition.
What Is Referred To As Lactose Intolerant?
The USNLM has explained lactose intolerance as a condition in which the body is unable to process or digest lactose effectively. Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. Depending on people and their genetic structure, the level of lactose intolerance degrees varies. For example, some people can consume dairy products because they have lower lactose content while they cannot drink milk.
Irrespective of whether a person suffers from lactose intolerance as a baby or an adult, it causes major gastrointestinal issues. Some of the most common side effects caused due to lactose intolerance are bloating, severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gas.
One of the ways to get rid of lactose intolerance is to start consuming milk with meals and in other recipes or change to a different kind of milk. For example, many people with mild or moderate degrees of intolerance for lactose are now changing to goat's milk.
Does Goat Milk Provide Relief To Lactose Intolerance?
University of California, Davis stated that goat's milk has lower lactose levels naturally. Hence those who suffer from mild or moderate lactose intolerance can consume goat's milk instead of cow's milk. Goat's milk contains 4.20 percent lactose compared to cow's milk which has almost 5 percent lactose.
It is also believed that people who are lactose intolerant can digest goat's milk instead of cow's milk is because it is easier to digest. This is because the fat molecule found in goat's milk is smaller than cow's milk, thus making the digestion of it easy.
There has also been the hypothesis that goat's milk has superior digestibility. Due to which it is easily absorbed by the body and leaves less residue of the undigested elements in the colon. The undigested properties in the colon ferments and causes the symptoms often faced due to lactose intolerance.
Furthermore, goat milk's higher protein content, and lower sugar are beneficial for the consumer's overall health. The milk also contains vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, and iron. In addition, the higher content of vitamin A, riboflavin nicotinic acid, and chlorine in goat's milk provides more nutrients than cow's milk.
At times it is also possible that a person is not lactose intolerant but reacts negatively to the Alpha-S1-Casin protein found in cow's milk. The symptoms caused due to the reaction to the protein are almost like the ones that an individual feels due to lactose intolerance.
The fat found in goat milk is easily digestible than cow's milk because it has a higher proportion of medium and short-chain fatty acids than cow's milk. As a result of all these factors, goat's milk can be a good alternative for those suffering from lactose intolerance.
Goat milk your perfect health partner!
We would suggest that in case you are suffering from bloating or diarrhea after consuming cow's milk, think of changing to goat's milk. It is quite possible you will feel relieved when you drink goat's milk while it fulfills all your daily requirements.