Goat milk- The solution to all your digestion woes!

Are you suffering from indigestion, a bloated stomach, irritable bowel syndrome or acid reflux? If you find yourself nodding in the affirmative for even one of the above mentioned symptoms, then it’s probably time to vary your dairy and try goat’s milk. Why goat milk you may wonder? But when you read about the plethora of benefits it has to offer, you will find yourself wondering why not? Goat milk has been found to be
1. GI Friendly
The gastrointestinal tract (GI) includes the stomach and intestine, and which helps to regulate the entire digestive process. People who experience discomfort from cow’s milk often have an easier time digesting dairy from goats. It’s associated with fewer incidences of gas, bloating and diarrhea.
2. Anti-Inflammatory
Inflammation is a necessary immune response, but when the body is overtaxed by toxins from bad food, environment, lack of sleep, poor lifestyle habits or too much stress, chronic inflammation can become a deadly threat to your health. In fact, it’s associated with nearly all disease.
The best way to arm your body against illness is to feed it well. According to research goat’s milk contains a high concentration of powerful anti-inflammatory molecules called oligosaccharides as compared to bovine which were shown to
- prevent pro-inflammatory bacteria from collecting on stomach and intestinal lining;
- reduce bacterial “translocation,” which can trigger the severe and potentially deadly inflammatory response known as sepsis;
- Promote the growth of healthy “friendly” bacteria. Friendly bacteria are crucial for healthy digestion, immune function, obesity-prevention, insulin sensitivity, diabetes-prevention and more.
3. Soothes Inflammatory Bowel Disease
For most people with a perfect and healthy GI tract, both cow and goat milk in their raw state should be easy to digest. But many of us don’t even know that we have a disruption in the GI. If you’ve tried raw milk from cattle and still had a reaction, then chances are you have a condition in the GI. Whereas cow milk can be terribly irritating to an already upset GI, goat milk is found to be soothing. The researchers concluded that raw goat’s milk is not only less irritating to the bowels, but may hold promise as a healing agent in all inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
4. Hypo-Allergenic
Most of the proteins in cow milk are potentially allergenic for humans. The food she produces for her calves is quite a bit different in structure than the milk human mothers produce for their children.
Fascinatingly, it may be that most of us can easily digest goat milk because it resembles a woman’s breast milk. Our bodies are already designed to break it down. It’s hypo-allergenic because goat milk lacks the most allergenic protein, alpha-casein, that is prevalent in the other milk.
5. Improves Lactose Tolerance
Goat milk is also lower in lactose, or milk sugar in comparison to cow milk. Because many people aren’t as lactose intolerant as they believe or simply have trouble digesting cow milk and aren’t actually allergic to lactose, for them goat milk can be a viable option.
These are some of the amazing ways in which goat milk can enhance your digestion process and relieve you of all the unwarranted discomfort you have been experiencing till now. So go on and try this tasty and healthy alternative to cow’s milk. This is one decision you will not regret.