Perspective role of goat milk and products: A review

International Journal of Chemical Studies
Goel and Sudhir Uprit
As different species have the different composition characteristics, the quality of products produced from them will also be different. Goat has the ability to produce quality milk, which contains the higher amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus than cow milk. The popularity of goat milk is increasing day by day due to its nutritional properties and lower allergenicity in comparison to cow milk. In a recent study, PERSPECTIVE ROLE OF GOAT MILK AND PRODUCTS, it's reported that goat milk differs from cow milk in higher digestibility, low-fat content and has high medicinal value. Goat Milk as a functional food is increasingly becoming popular because of its nutritional and medicinal properties. It can be used as therapy against different problems. Goat Milk can be a future trend in the field of medicine because of its several reported health benefits. Goat Milk and its products are the essential niches in the dairy industry.
International Journal of Chemical Studies